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The Dutch Council for Refugees focuses on the protection of refugees by promoting: - Legal security through non-refoulement, recognition and granting of refugee status and offering rights; - Social ...

Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenArmutsbekämpfungSoziale Gerechtigkeit
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Introduce newcomers to the complex Netherlands

Introduce newcomers to the complex Netherlands

Organisationsrolle · 6 Std./Woche
Veere, Zeeland, Nederland
HilfeBegleiten vonNiederländischSoziale KontaktePflegearbeit
Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenArmutsbekämpfungSoziale Gerechtigkeit
Dieser Gelegenheit zur Freiwilligenarbeit ist abgelaufen Weitere Möglichkeiten für Freiwilligenarbeit finden Sie hier.
Aktie Gelegenheit
Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Zuidwest-Nederland
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Refugees who are allowed to stay must arrange everything in the Netherlands. As a Social Counselor you ensure that refugees become self-reliant.

Detaillierte Beschreibung

Familiarize newcomers

Refugees who are allowed to stay must arrange everything in the complex Netherlands, while still barely speaking the language. As a Social Counselor you ensure that refugees quickly become self-reliant. Working as a volunteer Social Counselor is an unforgettable experience that you don't want to miss! Time investment: in consultation. Read on under the video.

What are you going to do?

  • Assisting, supporting and coaching refugees during their integration and participation process;
  • You familiarize a refugee with the municipality and immediate living environment and you provide information about Dutch society, authorities and laws and regulations;
  • You offer practical support with questions and problems regarding housing, finance, education and healthcare;
  • You guide refugees in external contacts with various authorities and you support them in building a social network.

The fulfillment of the position of social counselor may differ per location.

What we ask from you

  • You have at least MBO level and you can work with a computer;
  • You are committed and sober and you have a respectful attitude towards your client;
  • You have analytical and empathetic skills and you are able to stimulate and motivate;
  • You are prepared to follow training courses and to adhere to the guidelines and agreements of the Council for Refugees.

What we offer

  • You enter a stimulating and challenging work environment with room for your own development and initiative;
  • You get a training program and opportunities to follow additional training courses;
  • You will be guided by a professional professional;
  • Plenty of opportunities to learn more about other cultures.
  • Expenses are reimbursed.

Still not convinced? View the interview with Social Counselor Marion.

Read on under the video.


The work of a Social Counselor is an unforgettable experience that you don't want to miss! Are you interested in becoming a volunteer in Social Counseling? Our working area covers dozens of municipalities in the provinces of South Holland and Zeeland. Send us a registration and we will have your team call back from our office in your area.

Why Volunteer at VluchtelingenWerk?

There are numerous reasons why thousands of people choose to do volunteer work or do an internship at VluchtelingenWerk:

  • Gain work experience or use your experience to help others;
  • Build your network and make social contacts. With us you work in a team;
  • Work on your personal growth and experience other cultures;
  • Help your fellow man and make a contribution to society;
  • Be a volunteer because it's fun!

About us

People all over the world have to flee their lives because of war, political violence, their sexual orientation, descent or religion. Anyone who ends up in the Netherlands can count on the people from the Council for Refugees. We guide refugees from arrival to self-reliance. This is good for refugees and good for Dutch society. We are enterprising idealists who remain sober and professional. You too? Then come and strengthen our team as Social Counselor.


Dieser Gelegenheit zur Freiwilligenarbeit ist abgelaufen Weitere Möglichkeiten für Freiwilligenarbeit finden Sie hier.
Aktie Gelegenheit

Über Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Zuidwest-Nederland

The Dutch Council for Refugees focuses on the protection of refugees by promoting: - Legal security through non-refoulement, recognition and granting of refugee status and offering rights; - Social security through a welcome society where refugees can build a new life in complete safety; - International solidarity with countries that bear heavier burdens and with refugees who often remain without prospects in these countries

Social support - support with integration into society.
Legal guidance - support with the family reunification procedure.
Language coaches - one-on-one support of language and activation in the neighborhood.
Employment coaches - Guidance towards volunteering, paid employment and support for finding training.

Look at for our volunteer jobs
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