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Samen Hier

Samen Hier



Samen Hier connects (friends) groups of five Dutch people to an individual refugee or family based on interests, by means of an innovative algorithm. To accelerate integration in Almere, The Hague, ...

Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenSoziale Gerechtigkeit
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Welcome a refugee in your group of friends

Welcome a refugee in your group of friends

Organisationsrolle · 2-8 Std./Woche
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenSoziale Gerechtigkeit
Dieser Gelegenheit zur Freiwilligenarbeit ist abgelaufen Weitere Möglichkeiten für Freiwilligenarbeit finden Sie hier.
Aktie Gelegenheit
Samen Hier
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Together Here links (friends) groups of five Dutch people to an individual refugee or family, using an innovative algorithm. Also in Rotterdam!

Detaillierte Beschreibung

As a brand new student, who showed you the nicest places in town? Who motivated you to go for a coffee at that promising company? Or who told you about that cool home and was ready with paint and rollers?

Finding your way in a new place: that is easier with others. Together Here refugees offer a social network based on that idea. For informative meetings and inspiring friendships. This way you accelerate integration together.

We are applying a special method for the first time in the Netherlands. You form a Welcome Group with four close friends, family members, colleagues, teammates, year club members or neighbors. We use an innovative and proven algorithm * to find a newcomer or family that fits you well.

We agree that you spend a year together. From thinking along about study or work to practicing the language and celebrating national holidays: you make a plan together.

That is how it works:

  • Register your Welcome Group on . This is also possible if your group is not (yet) complete.
  • We use an algorithm to find a newcomer or newcomer family that fits you well
  • The newcomers are refugees who have lived in Rotterdam for six to twelve months.
  • A cultural ambassador acts as an interpreter and bridges any cultural differences.
  • We call regularly to see how it goes.
  • We also organize various training courses. That way you can show the newcomer (s) even better the Netherlands.

Do you want to join Samen here? Register here or contact us for more information ( - 070 763 14 98).

Samen Hier is an initiative of human rights organization Justice and Peace Netherlands .

* This matching method was developed by Dr. Craig Damian Smith and his research group at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Was Freiwillige brauchen😇 Offenlegungs- und Sperrdienst

🗣️ Muttersprachliche Fähigkeiten

Was wir den Freiwilligen zur Verfügung stellen werden

🤝 Zusätzliche Unterstützung


Dieser Gelegenheit zur Freiwilligenarbeit ist abgelaufen Weitere Möglichkeiten für Freiwilligenarbeit finden Sie hier.
Aktie Gelegenheit
Freiwilligenarbeit in Rotterdam > Rotterdam Möglichkeiten > Samen Hier > Welcome a refugee in your group of friends

Über Samen Hier

Samen Hier connects (friends) groups of five Dutch people to an individual refugee or family based on interests, by means of an innovative algorithm. To accelerate integration in Almere, The Hague, Haarlem and Rotterdam.

The aim is to help the refugee (s) to find their way in our society, with the social (and professional) network, knowledge and time of the Welcome Group.

Not only can this project create beautiful friendships and bridge cultural differences, but here we all contribute to a society of cooperation.

We are still looking for people who want to form a Welcome Group, together with friends, colleagues, family, neighbors, club members or teammates. Participate? Register here or contact us for more information ( This is also possible if your group is not yet complete.
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