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The ReDI School in Cyberspace offers free online tech courses and targets people with migrant backgrounds as well as locals who do not have access to digital education or a professional network ...

Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenBildungFrauen
Qualität der BildungMenschenwürdige Arbeit und WirtschaftswachstumIndustrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur
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Join us as a remote Tech Trainer for adults with no access to digital education

Join us as a remote Tech Trainer for adults with no access to digital education

Projektrolle (temporär) · 2-4 Std./Woche · Ab 3 Aug. 2023 Seit etwa 3 Monaten
Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenBildungFrauen
Qualität der BildungMenschenwürdige Arbeit und WirtschaftswachstumIndustrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur
Dieser Gelegenheit zur Freiwilligenarbeit ist abgelaufen Weitere Möglichkeiten für Freiwilligenarbeit finden Sie hier.
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ReDI School in Cyberspace
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Join our online academy and tech learning community! Help ReDI School students build a brighter career for themselves in IT as an online trainer!

Detaillierte Beschreibung

ReDI in Cyberspace is an online academy supporting adult learners with forced migration background. We bring humanity to virtual learning and offer our students high quality coding courses to provide them with valuable digital skills and a strong network of tech leaders, students and alumni to help create new opportunities for all.

We aim to develop ReDI in Cyberspace into a global digital education platform enabling the tech community to empower refugees and displaced people currently based in Europe.

Our course offer for Spring 2023:

  • Digital Marketing & SEO
  • Full-Stack Web Development (Intensive)
  • Salesforce Fundamentals
  • Python Foundations
  • UX/UI Design Basics
  • Cybersecurity Foundations + AZ900
  • Cybersecurity Intermediate + SC900
  • Cybersecurity Advanced (AZ500 certification only)

The main task of the ReDI teachers is to present teaching content and to support the students in class with exercises.

We usually teach classes in pairs, with teaching teams being composed of 7-9 superheroes. Volunteers normally take over three class each month and can assign themselves to different roles according to their own preferences (session owner or assistant).

Class time is weekdays evening (7-9pm GMT+1), either Mon + Wed, or Tue + Thurs. We have a lot of resources (presentations, exercises etc), which can be shaped from you to develop the new curriculum. Onboarding starts in August, one month in advance of course kick-off. ReDI supports teachers throughout the semester with organizational structure, training and workshops. Learners groups consist of about 18-25 students.

We can share our volunteer guide for more info! You will then be invited for a meet & greet via calendly to get to know each other and ask any questions, before you decide to sign up!

Dieser Gelegenheit zur Freiwilligenarbeit ist abgelaufen Weitere Möglichkeiten für Freiwilligenarbeit finden Sie hier.
Aktie Gelegenheit

Über ReDI School in Cyberspace

The ReDI School in Cyberspace offers free online tech courses and targets people with migrant backgrounds as well as locals who do not have access to digital education or a professional network. Our goal is to develop ReDI in Cyberspace into a global digital education platform that enables the tech community to empower refugees and IDPs regardless of their location. We believe that everyone should have access to accessible and affordable digital education.
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