Über Changemaker Jesús Valerio
Valerio is from Venezuela, and he has identified that the formal education in his city does not encourage the development of students' socio-emotional skills. This causes a lack of social empowerment, the development of conformist tendencies, difficulties in solving conflicts, and an increase violence and bullying among youth. This problem arises because schools in his community base their academic activities on memorizing theoretical content rather than working to develop the socio-emotional skills of students.
Valerio created a youth organization called Casa Líderes, dedicated to promoting the formation of student leaders through activities of social leadership, self-improvement and teamwork among the participants. This organization carries out workshops with the purpose of promoting social-emotional learning in formal education in the area. Casa Líderes aims to promote an empowered, civic, employable and entrepreneurial youth; capable of adopting leading roles for the sustainable development of communities. An educated and empowered youth can achieve any goal!Changemaker Jesús Valerio