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Science Week 2025 Volunteer

Science Week 2025 Volunteer

Projektrolle (temporär) · Flexible Arbeitszeiten · Ab 10 März 2025 Für ungefähr 4 Wochen
Sint Maarten
StewardingJugendarbeitPlanungSoziale NetzwerkeMarketing und KommunikationGestaltungVerwaltungEmpfangsdameHilfeEnglisch
BildungKinder und Jugendliche


St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation Stellen Sie dem Organisator eine Frage
Anmeldungen schließen in 14 Tagen.
Aktie Gelegenheit
St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation
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Passionate about STEAM? Enjoy organizing events, engaging with the public, or supporting students? If so, we need YOU to make Science Week 2025 a success!

Detaillierte Beschreibung

Science Week 2025, themed "Change and Adapt with AI," will be held from March 31, 2025, to April 4, 2025, with its award ceremony on April 12, 2025. Planned activities for the week include a lecture and panel discussion on AI in education, hands-on field trips to STEAM-related locations, and the annual Science Fair that showcases student projects and features STEAM demonstrations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  1. Event Logistics and Setup – Help set up and manage event spaces.
  2. Promotion and Marketing – Help spread the word about Science Week through social media, radio, and other media platforms.
  3. Registration and Guest Services – Assist with attendee check-ins, provide information, and ensure a welcoming experience for guests of the events.
  4. Event Support and Judges – Help facilitate various event activities, assist speakers, guide attendees, and ensure smooth operations throughout the events.
  5. Photography and Videography – Capture key moments from the event for promotional and archival purposes.

*A seperate opportunity is being created for recruitment of judges. Contact us for more information.

Why Volunteer?

  • Gain valuable event management and leadership experience.
  • Network with professionals, educators, and STEAM enthusiasts.
  • Make a meaningful impact by supporting students and the community.
  • Earn a certificate of participation and community service hours.
  • Have fun while contributing to an exciting and educational initiative!


Anmeldungen schließen in 14 Tagen.
Aktie Gelegenheit

Über St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation

The recently re-established St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation has as an objective to promote and stimulate interest in science and technology among the Youth in St. Maarten. Among its various initiatives, the foundation organizes science fairs. These fairs offer students the opportunity to develop their analytical skills and display their findings using the scientific method. The Science Fair is open to students between the ages of 12 to 18 who are attending a local secondary school. Schools may register their students as an individual or a team of two.

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