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SailWise is looking for volunteers who can stand a splash

SailWise is looking for volunteers who can stand a splash

Aufgabe · 8+ Std
Elahuizen, Friesland, Nederland
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Personen mit BehinderungenSport und Erholung


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Make a difference for people with disabilities: become a volunteer during SailWise's water sports holidays!

Detaillierte Beschreibung

The wind in your hair, the sun on your face and the sloshing water against the bow: at SailWise everyone can enjoy water sports. Unlimited! Anyone with a physical or mental disability can actively practice water sports from three locations in the Netherlands: the two-masted clipper Lutgerdina (home port of Enkhuizen, North Holland), the water sports center It Sailhûs (Elahuizen, Friesland) and the water sports island of Robinson Crusoe (Loosdrechtse Plassen, North Holland). .

make the difference

Thanks to the efforts of volunteers, 1,400 people with disabilities can enjoy an active water sports holiday every year. SailWise volunteers are enthusiastic, open-minded, respectful and fit of body and members. As a volunteer you make a difference for someone else, you have unforgettable time and enjoy water sports together in a unique location! SailWise holidays take place from April to October. During that period you can join as a volunteer. Sometimes it can be a weekend, but most holidays last a week.

What are you going to do?

As a volunteer of SailWise you involve participants as much as possible in the sailing activities. You also help with the daily care of the guests. Sometimes it is about getting dressed and undressed, going to the toilet, showering and washing. The other time it is about assistance during the meal or support when boarding. You will also cook, do the dishes and do other household chores together with the guests. Cleaning and keeping the accommodation and the sanitary areas clean are daily tasks that are part of that. You play a pioneering role and involve the guests in the chores during their vacation.

Sailing experience is an advantage

Professional crew is present on the two-masted clipper Lutgerdina and the catamaran Beatrix. As a volunteer you involve the participants in the sailing activities, but sailing experience is not necessary. On the water sports island of Robinson Crusoe we are also looking for volunteers who can sail independently (minimum wind force 3) and canoe. As a skipper of a small boat you will go out onto the water with a group of participants, but you must also be able to relinquish the helm. Have you not sailed for several years? Then you can participate in a sailing training to regain your sailing skills.

Nurse and / or caring background? Gladly!

SailWise participants can register for any accommodation, even if they need specific nursing care. SailWise will then arrange for a BIG registered nurse or competent and competent carer to be scheduled. So are you a nurse or carer and do you like to practice your profession in a relaxed holiday atmosphere? Then come to SailWise!

Sign In!

Do you want to make a difference and give people with disabilities an unforgettable holiday? Then sign up as a volunteer! For more information, visit the SailWise website or contact SailWise by phone or e-mail. We are happy to tell you more fun about this fantastic volunteer function!

Was Freiwillige brauchen😇 Offenlegungs- und Sperrdienst

🗣️ Muttersprachliche Fähigkeiten


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Über SailWise

The wind in your hair, the sun on your face and the sloshing water against the bow: at SailWise everyone can enjoy water sports. Unlimited! Anyone with a physical or mental disability can actively practice water sports from three locations in the Netherlands: the two-masted clipper Lutgerdina (home port of Enkhuizen, North Holland), the water sports center It Sailhûs (Elahuizen, Friesland) and the water sports island of Robinson Crusoe (Loosdrechtse Plassen, North Holland). .

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