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Online Class Facilitator

Online Class Facilitator

Projektrolle (temporär) · 1–3 Std./Woche · Ab 12 März
Flexible Lage
Flüchtlinge und MinderheitenBildungKinder und Jugendliche
4 Qualität der Bildung10 Reduzierte Ungleichheiten16 Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen


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Aktie Gelegenheit
SUKA Society
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Looking for Online Class facilitators for refugee children (6-month commitment)

Detaillierte Beschreibung

We are looking for facilitators who can assist the teachers when they’re conducting online classes. This role is required in compliance with the two-adult rule in our Child Protection Policy.


  • Familiar with the usage of Google Meet, and Google Classroom and has basic computer literacy.
  • Have a good and stable internet connection.
  • Able to commit to 1-2 hours of class weekly for a minimum of 6 months.

Responsibilities include:

  • Admit students and teachers to Google Meet
  • Take attendance and monitor the classes
  • Provide support to the teacher as and when required
  • Assist if there are any technical issues

Available slots:

  • Weekdays 8PM-10PM
  • Saturday 10AM-11AM
  • Saturday 1PM-2PM
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Aktie Gelegenheit

Über SUKA Society

SUKA Society is a nationally registered non-governmental organisation that works to protect and to preserve the best interest of children.

Our focus is primarily on children who are in the most marginalized and vulnerable of circumstances.

We work on four main areas: –
• Creating greater access to education for indigenous children
• Protecting and restoring women and children trafficked survivors
• Providing case management and community placement for children without parental care
• Advocating for alternative to detention for children affected by immigration detention

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